Hewwo! ! I'm A chronically ill artist who has been in too much pain to draw, I decided to learn coding to distract myself from the pain while I'm not doing well Lucky! ☆
Lorem ipsum x, vel dictum elit lorem id sapien. Quisque euismod, turpis vel hendrerit tristique, odio lorem feugiat nisi, vel volutpat libero sapien id odio. Nulla facilisi. Duis convallis ac nisl in dignissim.

for record (some of) the things I have
- Fibromyalgia
- hEDS
身長: 1,55 重さ: 49kg BWH: 36-24-36 カップ: E-65 誕生日: 08月 17日 血液型: B+ ==メンヘラ 電波系 NEET==

PMMM, Soul Eater, Chobits, Tengoku Daimakyou, Azumanga Daioh-
2000's anime, Vocaloid (pre 2020) Art, playing with cute graphics . Singing ♪(´▽`)
Secretly a history/antropology/ religion/lenguages/ folklore nerd